Spider Control

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Types of spiders

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Types of Dangerous Spiders

Brazilian Wandering Spider

Florida Wolf

Australian funnel



Steps to follow if infested


Sign Of Infestation

Spiders are usually solitary creatures, so finding multiple spiders in a specific area could be a sign of an infestation. Another sign of spider infestation is the presence of spider webs. Spiders use webs to catch prey, so if you notice a lot of webs in and around your home, it could indicate an infestation. Look for webs in corners, near windows, and in areas with low traffic. Additionally, if you notice an increase in the number of insects in your home, it could indicate that spiders are present and catching prey.

Another sign of spider infestation is seeing spiders in areas where they shouldn't be, such as in your bed or closet. Spiders are attracted to dark and secluded places, so if you see them in these areas, it could indicate an infestation. Additionally, spider egg sacs are a sign of an infestation. These small, round sacs can be found in corners, under furniture, and in other secluded areas. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to take action to eliminate the infestation and prevent further spider activity in your home.


Illness from Spiders

Most spiders are not harmful to humans, but a few species can cause serious medical problems. The severity of symptoms from a spider bite can vary depending on the species, the amount of venom injected, and the individual's sensitivity to the venom. Some common symptoms of a spider bite include pain, redness, swelling, and itching at the site of the bite. More serious symptoms may include muscle pain and cramping, difficulty breathing, and even death in severe cases.

One of the most well-known and dangerous spiders is the black widow spider. Its venom can cause muscle pain and cramping, as well as more serious symptoms such as abdominal pain, seizures, and difficulty breathing. Another venomous spider is the brown recluse spider, which can cause a range of symptoms including fever, chills, and a severe ulcer at the site of the bite. If you suspect you have been bitten by a spider and experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Our Products

Control Pests with our products

Scion Insecticide
Residential Spider Kit
Avesta CS
Greenway Spider and Silverfish Trap
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